On Air in South Sudan

Exchange and education via radio

While radio shows are becoming less and less important here, in South Sudan they are the most important source of information (1) . Almost every household can get information about current events via a radio receiver or mobile phone. Especially in the times of Covid-19, the radio plays an enormously important role (2). In order to reach as many people as possible, the radio was also used for the project "My Body, My Right, My Future". At the end of April, three experts of YWCA Yambio and the state authorities were invited to talk about sexual education and sexual and reproductive health on the local Radio “Yambio FM”. They also informed the approximately 1 million potential listeners about the project of YWCA Yambio and Horyzon.

Since many of the schools are currently closed due to Covid-19, many girls are forced to stay at home and are at a higher risk of becoming victims of sexual or gender-specific violence. The Radio show was therefore also important occasion, to provide information about the various contact points for victims of sexual violence and about human rights.

The challenges around Covid-19 were also discussed, in particular the prevention measures were repeated and brought to attention of the listeners. The demand for information and exchange was great. The one-hour talk show was far from being enough to answer all questions. YWCA Yambio would therefore like to further increase awareness of these issues through additional talk shows and thus offer an alternative platform to the currently limited physical exchange.




Radio Interview

Radio Talk April

YWCA Yambio live on air at radio Yambio FM (Picture: YWCA Yambio). 

Radio Talk April 2

The programme manager Mary talks as expert at Radio Yambio (Picture: YWCA Yambio). 
