World YMCA raises awareness about the covid vaccination

The proportion of vaccinated people in industrialized countries is around 40-50% in many places. However, there is increasingly evidence of a certain slowdown in the pace. In Switzerland, for example, the number of doses vaccinated recently fell to the level of early April. But in other countries, too, the vaccination rate is falling again.¹

World YMCA, the world federation of all YMCAs, is über this development very concerned. The world federation sees the reason for it in the mostly incorrect information or even conspiracy theories über the vaccinations. At the same time, says World YMCA, every person should have the right to true, manipulation-free information. After all, vaccination is the only way to ultimately fight the pandemic effectively. 

How are YMCAs helping around the world?

In this context, World YMCA recently launched a global survey and wanted to know from its member organizations whether and how they are participating in the vaccination campaigns underway in their countries. Nearly half of the YMCAs surveyed are already providing or plan to provide the following:

  • Awareness & information campaign on vaccination.
  • Provide YMCA facilities as vaccination centers. 
  • Performing Covid-19 testing.
  • Transportation to immunization centers, online registration for people without access to the Internet.
  • Outreach and support für equitable distribution of vaccinations. 

In addition, a majority (60%) of local YMCAs expect their employees to be vaccinated by summer 2021. (Additional findings from the study can be found here.).

Horyzon's partner organizations

Horyzon's partner organizations do not themselves currently participate directly in vaccination campaigns. However, programs, for example as part of health education, point out the importance of vaccination. This is also intended to combat misinformation. Horyzon itself is committed to ensuring that access to vaccinations is guaranteed as soon as possible, especially for the employees of partner organizations.

For so World YMCA also concludes in the evaluation of its study: «If vaccination can enable an end to the pandemic, then the possibility of vaccination should be a human right for all.»


¹ Tagesanzeiger (accessed 07/26/2021)

Bildschirmfoto 2021 08 11 um 10.00.23

Eine Mehrzahl der YMCAs weltweit beteiligen sich an den nationalen Impfkampagnen. (Foto: YMCA New Jersey)
